Our Mission: 

To provide opportunities for Himalayan youth to learn, thrive in, and promote their unique culture and to share Himalayan culture and values with the world.

Our 5 Point Vision:

About Our Name

Ala lamo ala len, Tala lamo tala len...thus begins the Epic of King Gesar of Ling...

Many years ago, the legendary king Gesar swept across central Asia.  He was famed as a patron of religion, medicine, the sciences, and the arts.  But before being known as The Great King Gesar of Ling, he was a child named Joru.

Joru was an illegitimate son, hated by the nobility who saw him as a stain on their name. He and his mother were forced to live in abject poverty, scavenging for their existence.  Few could have imagined that this child dressed in rags and chasing rodents for food would grow up to be one of the most legendary conquerers of Asia.

We, at Alatala, believe that all children have potential.  We wonder how many leaders, scientists, artists, and philosophers have failed to live up to their potential because they didn't have the support system they needed.  

Thus, looking at the difficult start that Gesar himself faced before his rise to greatness, we have named ourself for the very beginning of his tale: Alatala

For more information, please contact us